3rd International Young Carers Conference, "Identify, Support, Listen to young carers", 3-6 May 2021
3rd International Young Carers Conference, "Identify, Support, Listen to young carers", 3-6 May 2021
This third edition will reflect on the concrete actions required to enable young carers to reach their full potential, without being negatively impacted by their caring responsibilities. The theme for this edition is “IDENTIFY, SUPPORT, AND LISTEN TO YOUNG CARERS”. These were the main recommendations identified by young carers themselves during the previous conference (held in May 2017 in Malmö, Sweden). Participants are expected to learn about strategies implemented in different countries (what worked, what did not work, what can be replicated) to drive changes in mindsets, policies and practices and move forward in our vision: one where young carers can fully enjoy the human rights they are entitled to. Researchers, practitioners, policymakers and young carers from 20 countries - including Canada, United States of America, Iceland, India and Japan – will share they experiences around the theme: Identify, support and listen to young carers. Among the 81 abstracts selected (for individual presentations and Symposia), you will find topics like:
- Reaching out to young carers and, in particular, hidden/forgotten groups
- Breaking down barriers and empowering professionals so that they can identify young carers
- Towards young carers’ friendly educational systems
- Addressing the specific challenges faced by young carers in transition to adulthood
- Supporting young carers’ mental health
- Whole family, multi-stakeholder approaches to support young carers
Listen to
- The voice of young carers in policies, practices and research
Download: 3rd-international-young-carers-conference-draft-programme.pdf
Visit: https://eurocarers.org/2021-IYCC/