Voksne for Barn

Voksne for Barn (Adults for children) is a membership NGO working for children’s mental health and was established in 1960. We work with children and adolescents directly as the main target group but also with adults as parents and professionals that work with children. We are considered by the authorities to be a user organization for children within the mental health sector. We work with mental health promotion and prevention. Through mental health at school programs we work for promotion of good mental health for all children. The main preventive area in the org is to work for children who live with different strains in their families, like mental illness, substance abuse or other stress factors for children’s upbringing.

We have ca 2800 members, around 300 local spokespersons, 16 local groups throughout the country. The main office is in Oslo and employes 35 people at the moment.

Voksne for Barn

Stortorvet 10, 0155 Oslo

Phone: +47 4889 6215 

e-mail: vfb@vfb.no


